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venerdì 20 settembre 2024
"Lean Thinker's Club"
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Lean Thinking is dead or seriously ill ? Stampa E-mail

Or simply quite often one's "throw out the baby with the bath water" meaning that an impropre execution of lean methods and lean procedures brings many improvement projects to failure.

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Applying LEAN TOOLS Stampa E-mail

Robert Gotsch, wish to share his experiences in applying LEAN TOOLS concepts  in manufacturing, distribution, and retail operations:

As a practitioner of Lean Tools Process training, my implementation steps to lead a Lean Initiative include: obtain senior management support of the project, identify metrics to be tracked and measured, establish benchmark of metrics at Lean Project startup, obtain benchmark buy in from senior management and financial group to verify Lean Process savings, benchmark neighboring processes to identify effect the Lean Process has on them.    

icon LTC_R.Gotsch.pdf (109.62 KB)

Lean Accounting Master Class Stampa E-mail

BMA will be conducting a 2 day Lean Accounting Master Class 21-22 May 2009 Lean Accounting Master Clas in La Fornace , Asolo in the Veneto Region of Italy. 

BMA Europe Ltd. provides education, training, consulting and mentoring services to ogranisations making the transition to Lean enterprise. Its focus is in the development of practical tools for managing the lean enterprise.

If you are interested in receiving more information about this event please send an e-mail to mr. Nick Katko, BMA Senior Consultant : Indirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo

A business growth strategy Stampa E-mail


A man going on a journey, (.) called his servants and entrusted his property to them.
To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability.
Then he went on his journey.
The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more.
So also, the one with the two talents gained two more.
But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.

Matthew 25:14-30 (New International Version)


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Calculating the Financial Benefits of Lean Stampa E-mail
Calculating the Financial Benefits of Lean using Lean Accounting
by Nick Katko BMA Inc.
Well run businesses make business decisions that make financial sense. Executives want to know the financial impact of business decisions on revenue, costs, profits and stock price.
For companies considering the adoption of a lean business strategy, the role of the finance team is the same.
However, the financial analysis requires financial people to understand the impact a lean strategy will have on the company’s production capacity and be able to produce a inancial analysis that does not rely on traditional standard costing analysis.
A lean business strategy is a business growth strategy. How this strategy works can be best summarized as follows: lean practices, tools & methods are adapted to create a culture of continuous improvement, which reduces and eliminates wasteful activities,creating available productive capacity.
Lean companies make money by increasing sales to use that productive capacity and developing other sound business practices to reallocate and eliminate unused resources.
Calculating the financial benefits of lean is an initial part of a lean business strategy that forces company management to begin addressing the success of a lean implementation before the success occurs.

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Training Within Industries Stampa E-mail

As most of you are probably aware, the Toyota Production System (or lean) is not totally a Japanese invention, but significantly derived from the
“Training Within Industries”
that was introduced into Japan in 1950.
In addition, the MTP (Management Training Program) for middle management taught the three primary TWI programs (JI, JM, JR) as well as basic management.
Thank to the appreciated contibuite of Mark Warren  PDF format copies of the original MTP (icon Job Methods Program.pdf),as well as the original TWI training manuals and the trainer's guides, IS NOW AVAIBLE for the lean thinkers' club associated !

JI Instructors Manual.pdf

The origins of Lean thinking Stampa E-mail
Something brand new for the friends of the Lean Thinker’s Club and for all enthusiasts of Japanese culture who are interested in learning more about the many bonds that exist between tradition of that county and the underlying principles of lean production. A prestigious collaboration has recently started with Rosario Manisera, a renowned expert of Japanese topics, publicist, interpreter and company trainer who for years has been involved in activities of cultural divulgation and intermediation, also through the Japan-Italy Association which he founded.